Writing Samples

  • Trail Running in Laguna Beach

    Laguna Beach is a fantastic place to trail run. The extensive San Joaquin Hills greenbelt surrounds the town, providing access to trails a step away from the downtown area and surrounding neighborhoods.  The green belt is comprised of Aliso and Woods Canyons Wilderness Park, Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Crystal Cove State Park, and Bommer Canyon/Shady…

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  • 10 Actions Steps for Dementia

    The erosion of the mind caused by dementia catches even the prepared off guard. My father was very much a Type A personality. A retired corporate manager, he was always highly organized and efficient. Everything planned and everything in its place. But when he was diagnosed with Dementia after his eightieth birthday it became more…

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  • Just a Kid Going to School With Diabetes

    Diabetes Management at School: Valuable Lessons on Diabetes Care from Two Countries. When your child has diabetes, sending them to school is one of the hardest and scariest things you can do. Can you trust they will be looked after and safe? If their blood sugar goes low or high, will someone help manage their…

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  • Running with Diabetes

    When you have a young child with diabetes you are always on high alert. Normal protective parenting instincts are elevated. Simple things that you took for granted have to be worried about and planned for.  Every snack and meal, every activity has to be considered. Surprises such as a faulty pump or Continuous Glucose Monitor…

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